-Crimes against state authority

Violence against officials and judicial persons, Perjury, Violation of court orders, Counterfeiting, Violation of seizure, Violation of seals set by the authority.

-Crimes against public order

Addressing, forming, and joining a criminal organization, Inciting and offering to commit a crime, Disturbing the public peace, Spreading false news.

-Currency-related crimes

Counterfeiting currency and other means of payment, Circulation of counterfeit currency and other means of payment.

-Memorandum Crimes

Forgery, Fraudulent Procurement of False Official Certification, Purloining of document by an employee.

-Crimes relating to the administration of justice

False deposition, False accusation, False complaint, Patronage.

-Crimes relating to the Service

Bribery of an employee, Abuse of authority, Violation of domestic asylum, False declaration, Breach of duty.

-Commonly dangerous crimes

Arson, flooding and explosion, Manufacture, and possession of explosives, Causing a shipwreck, Violation of building regulations.

-Crimes against transportation

Dangerous driving, Obstructing traffic, Invasion of the privacy of the public’s telecommunications.

-Crimes against life and bodily integrity

Intentional and negligent homicide, Exposure, Failure to render aid, Simple, dangerous, grievous, and fatal bodily harm, Bodily harm to vulnerable persons, Affray, Bodily harm by negligence.

-Crimes against personal freedom

Seizure, Unlawful Detention, Unlawful Violence, Suicide, Threat, Disturbance of Domestic Peace.

-Crimes against sexual freedom and economic exploitation of sexual life

Rape, Sexual indecency, Child pornography, Pimping, Sexual indecency.

-Crimes related to the family

Disruption of family order, Violation of maintenance obligation, Neglect of supervision of a minor.

-Crimes against honor

Libel, Defamation.

-Crimes against individual privacy and communication

Violation of confidentiality of documents, Violation of privacy of telephone communication and oral conversation, Illegal access to information system and data, Violation of professional confidentiality.

-Crimes against property and property

Theft, Embezzlement, Damage to foreign property, Robbery, Extortion, Fraud, Insurance fraud, Stock fraud, Bank fraud, Wire fraud, Court fraud, Disloyalty in the private and public sector, Accepting and disposing of proceeds of crime, Bribery of lenders, Usury.